Assassins Creed: Mirage - Screenshot

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage

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Assassin’s Creed: Mirage – Titel-Update 1.0.6 fügt New Game Plus Modus hinzu

Assassins Creed: Mirage - Screenshot

Ubisoft kündigte vor kurzem an, dass der New Game Plus-Modus von Assassin’s Creed: Mirage irgendwann in dieser Woche erscheinen würde, und das Unternehmen hat diesen nun mit dem Titel-Update 1.0.6 veröffentlicht.

Das Update fügt außerdem Bayeks Medjay-Outfit aus Assassin’s Creed Origins als New Game Plus-Exklusivität hinzu, während die Spieler außerdem drei Färbeoptionen für das Outfit freischalten können. In der Zwischenzeit hat Ubisoft auch die Reichweite von Rücken- und Seitenauswürfen während des Parkours optimiert, um Basims Mobilität während des Parkours weiter zu verbessern, während das Update auch einige Fehlerbehebungen mit sich bringt.

Das Titel-Update 1.0.6. wiegt 4,76 GB auf Xbox Series X/S, 3,33 GB auf Xbox One, 2,03 GB auf PS5, 3,05 GB auf PS4 und 5,03 GB auf PC. Die vollständigen Patchnotizen könnt ihr unten einsehen.

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Wie Ubisoft kürzlich bestätigte, wird der Permadeath-Modus, der ursprünglich zusammen mit New Game Plus erscheinen sollte, dem Spiel nun als Teil eines kostenlosen Updates Anfang 2024 hinzugefügt werden.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage ist für PlayStation, Xbox und PC erhältlich. Lest hier unseren Test des Spiels.

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  • Fixed issues when pickpocket loot could not be retrieved properly after eliminating a target.
  • Improvements made to Chain Assassination.
  • Basim’s last known location will now display correctly after changing the enemy proximity option’s value.
  • Fixed several situations where level design was blocking parkour movement
  • Fixed issue where player could fall whilst performing a pole vault.
  • Fixed Follow Road to Quest Objective feature which was not working on World Contracts.


  • Numerous graphics, environment or VFX improvements.
  • Fixed an issue where musicians were playing continuously after being paid with a faction favor.
  • Fixed the “Poster Boy” achievement.
  • Fixed the volumetric fog flickering during the loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where mercenaries would leave their position to follow a guard to investigate a body nearby.
  • Fixed collision issues.
  • Fixed NPC navigation and interaction issues.
  • Fixed clothes corruption on NPCs.
  • Improvements were made to the contract card UI after the player modified the Hold Alternative setting.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements to character animations.
  • Codex orbs will now stay visible after being collected.
  • Territory discovery pop up now appears with no delay.
  • Fixed a black screen issue after skipping the game credits.
  • Improvements made to the Investigation board. Icon now fits the description whilst using colorblind mode.
  • Benches that are not usable will no longer be highlighted.
  • Fixed undesired swimming animation when colliding with walls.
  • Fixed an issue with Window Mode when clicking on the frame’s top bar caused the game window to be misplaced.


  • Music now continues playing whilst reading the codex details.
  • Various audio fixes and improvements.
  • “A New Beginning”: Fixed the volume of a Novice’s voice.


  • Improved OWO Haptic Suit support.



  • Multiple stability improvements.
  • Multiple camera fixes.


  • Guards will now react when seeing Basim ripping the wanted posters.
  • Narrative consistency improvements between Fuladh’s speech and Rebekah’s letter.
  • Enemies will no longer investigate burning bodies that are affected by the Fire Demon outfit perk.
  • Update to game credits.
  • Updated the tool upgrade screenshot in the Codex.
  • Hide/Show panel functionality now works in all cases.
  • The Samsaama Dagger will now only heal the player every 5 hits with the sword.
  • Guard captain can no longer blow the horn whilst berserked.
  • Guards closer to the alarm will ring the bell first. 
  • “The Marked Coins”: Fixed the merchant outfit.
  • Fixed issues when guards would not move from their position after detecting Basim.
  • Roshan will no longer block the entrance to Assassin Bureaus preventing the player from entering/exiting.
  • All landmine perk effects should now properly apply, no matter the order they are unlocked.
  • Improvement made to the Upper Harbor puzzle.
  • The Zanj Uprising Dagger perk will now correctly refill stamina for successful dodges.
  • Fixed refreshing issues in the store page.
  • Whilst wearing the Fire Demon outfit, players can now complete assassination objectives.



  • Prologue: Nehal will now appear in the cinematic the day after the Winter Palace event.
  • “The Master Thief of Anbar”: Fixed the transition between gameplay and time passing (day to night) cinematic.
  • “The Master Thief of Anbar”: Players can now interact with the coin pouch on the merchant table.
  • “The Master Thief of Anbar”: Guards no longer ignore Basim while he is escaping the Winter Palace.
  • Tha’abeen (elite Order members) tag and healthbar are now properly displayed.
  • A Dance with Thieves”: Merchant in the background will stay visible during the cinematic dialogue with Murjana.
  • “A Dance with Thieves”: Murjana is no longer stuck after killing the Thieves.
  • “A New Beginning”: As Basim is joining the training ground, Roshan and her apprentice are now invincible whilst training together.
  • “A New Beginning”: Fixed an issue where a chest would randomly spawn after the cinematic with Rebekah.
  • “A New Beginning”: Fixed Nur’s behavior after Basim kills an enemy.
  • “A New Beginning”: Nur now correctly assassinates his first target no matter how the player assassinates their own first target.
  • “Al-Jahiz’s Lost Books”: Added a clue that informs the player to collect a final book after bringing the 6 Lost Books to Al-Jahiz. The clue is not shown if the book has already been given to him.
  • “Baghdad Bound”: Fixed the transition between cinematic and gameplay.
  • “Baghdad Bound”: Purchased content now appears in the inventory after completing the cinematic to avoid the pop-up being hidden by the cinematic.
  • “Bird Trap”: Player can now confirm the kill of General Jasoor.
  • “Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed”: Guards now spawn correctly.
  • “Den of the Beast”: Player can now properly loot key from Warden’s body if they kill him.
  • “First Order”: Added an icon over Al-Ghul’s head when the player kills him from afar and leaves.
  • “First Order”: Al Ghul’s office door will now unlock properly.
  • “First Order”: Fixed an issue where a civilian would appear next to Roshan after loading a save.
  • “First Order”: Fixed an issue where Ali triggers the fight state (yellow icon) for him and the player after seeing a dead body on the ground.
  • “First Order”: Fixed the assassination prompt on Al-Ghul.
  • “First Order”: The Caravan leader now moves correctly.
  • “Follow the Fiery Trail”: The guard holding the key that opens the Scriptorium door now appears correctly.
  • “Gilded Butterflies”: Guards in front of Ning’s chamber will de-spawn after completing the quest.
  • “Gilded Butterflies”: NPCs now stay spawned if the player skips the auction cinematic.
  • “Gilded Butterfly”: Once pushed out of the doorway, the shelf can be pushed back to its original position.
  • “In Pursuit of Truth”: Lighting issues fixed when using Enkidu towards Alamut Lake.
  • “Jailbreak”: Ali now follows Basim correctly to the guard’s quarters.
  • “The Head of the Snake”: Quest will now unlock properly for players.
  • “The Hunter”: NPC can no longer drown around the Teahouse.
  • “The Marked Coins”: Fixed the “The Hidden One” NPC who was sliding towards the last building at the end of the race.
  • “The Serpent’s Nest”: Fixed an issue where the prompt asking the player to call Enkidu to locate quest objectives would appear while being indoors.
  • “The Servant and the Imposter”: Basim no longer repeats a sentence about the magic potion before and after delivering it to Makira.
  • “The Slave Merchant”: Guards cannot see Basim assassinating targets through the curtains.
  • “The Trade Delegate”: The guard carrying the key will now be visible.
Heavy Music, schnelle Bikes und Sport sowieso – da ich auch im Jahre des Herren 1986 geboren wurde und da auch der NES in Europa das Licht erblickte, war die Konsequenz des Zockens logisch. Da ich auch an verbaler Inkontinenz leide, sind PixelCritics sowie perfekte Orte um mein Interesse am Journalismus auszuleben.
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