Baldurs Gate 3: Hotfix kümmert sich um die schrecklichen Gesichter und mehr

Baldurs Gate 3: Cover

Vor den Feiertagen haben die Larian Studios einen neuen Hotfix für Baldurs Gate 3 veröffentlicht. Er behebt die übliche Auswahl an Fortschrittsblockern, Abstürzen und Bugs, einschließlich eines Problems, das, wie der Entwickler es nennt, die Gesichter der Charaktere in „gestreckte, eldritische Schrecken mit Fleischgruben anstelle der Augen“ verwandelte.

Hotfix #15 fügt außerdem die japanische Sprache für PC und PS5 für Spieler in Japan hinzu, obwohl es auch für andere Plattformen verfügbar sein wird. Das koreanische Sprachpaket ist auch auf dem Mac aktiviert, und diejenigen, die Mods verwendet haben und ihren Spielstand aufgrund der Änderungen nicht laden konnten, sollten nun in der Lage sein, dies zu tun. Das Problem kann immer noch einige Spielstände betreffen, also behaltet das im Hinterkopf.

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Abstürze im Zusammenhang mit gelöschten Physikobjekten, dem Laden einer Speicherdatei durch den Host nach einem Game Over-Bildschirm oder dem doppelten Entwaffnen eines NPCs im Kampf wurden ebenfalls behoben. Weitere Details findet ihr in den vollständigen Hotfix-Hinweisen weiter unten.

Baldur’s Gate 3 ist für Xbox Series X/S, PS5 und PC erhältlich. Zusätzlich zu den Hotfixes hat das Spiel den umfangreichen Patch 5 erhalten, der einen neuen Epilog, den Ehrenmodus und mehr enthält.

Hotfix #15


  • Fixed a potential crash during autosave after moving to another level.
  • Fixed a multiplayer crash that could occur for the client when the host loads a savegame after a Game Over screen.
  • Fixed a crash related to deleted physics objects.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when you disarmed an NPC twice during combat and made them drop two different weapons (e.g. because they were dual-wielding), incapacitated them, and ended the combat without killing them, and then the incapacitating condition got removed.
  • Fixed not being able to load a savegame that was started with a mod that’s now missing.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on Xbox when losing internet connection while editing a lobby name.
  • Fixed a potential crash on Xbox related to the game checking whether you have the Deluxe Edition.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when swapping to Honour Mode.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing levels.


  • Fixed an issue related to lava bubbles near the Sentient Amulet in Grymforge causing savegames to become very large.
  • Fixed a memory issue when closing containers on controller.
  • Fixed the Low Model Quality option sometimes not working as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that could make certain special items, like the Idol of Silvanus, enter the wrong state when decluttered to a Traveller’s Chest.
  • Reduced memory usage related to animation skinning.


  • Fixed the Traveller’s Chests sometimes disappearing when changing to or from Honour Mode in the Multiplayer Settings.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where, if the host was controlling a companion and a split-screen client joined the game, the client would gain control of the host’s avatar.
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where a reconnecting player wouldn’t get their characters assigned back to them correctly.
  • Fixed Player 2 not being able to prepare spells if Player 1 moves their focus during a split-screen game.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented you from talking to NPCs at camp when going to camp via the Long Rest button.
  • Fixed some wrong character behaviours likely introduced in Patch 4.
  • The ‘Deal with the Devil’ quest now accounts for different outcomes in the Epilogue.
  • Fixed companions not being able to jump when following the player character.
  • Fixed an issue where ending the tutorial with only Lae’zel alive prevented you from saving the game in Act I.
  • Fixed Gale’s dialogue ending abruptly when you ask him what he wanted to show.
  • Fixed player factions sometimes becoming hostile towards each other when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed Create or Destroy Water only casting Create Water at Level 2.


  • The Korean language pack is now enabled on Mac.
  • Fixed some weapon textures.
  • Fixed several cases of what we’ve dubbed the Pinocchio issue, where characters’ noses (and cheeks) get stretched in cinematics. They also happen to lose their eyeballs, turning the sockets into pits of flesh.
  • Fixed equipment tooltips opened via the Inventory sometimes randomly closing on controller without player input.
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