Everspace 2: erhält neuen Loot, Perks und Fehlerbehebungen im Armed and Dangerous Update

Everspace 2: Keyvisual

Rockfish Games hat bekannt gegeben, dass das erste große Inhaltsupdate für Everspace 2 mit dem Namen Armed and Dangerous ab sofort für alle Plattformen verfügbar ist. Das Update fügt eine Reihe neuer Funktionen sowie neue spielbare Inhalte hinzu.

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Als Teil des neuen Updates gibt es jetzt eine Vielzahl neuer Ausrüstungsgegenstände, die die Spieler erjagen können. Unter anderem bringt das Update 10 neue Gegenstandssets, 2 neue Begleiter-Perks, 4 neue Schiffs-Perks für jede Klasse, 4 neue Katalysatoren für das Crafting und 15 neue Tier 4 Flügelmodule. Eine vollständige Liste der Ergänzungen und Änderungen findet ihr in den unten stehenden Patchnotizen.

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Nach der Veröffentlichung von Armed and Dangerous und der Konsolenversion von Everspace 2 nimmt Rockfish Games nun das nächste große Update für das Spiel ins Visier, das irgendwann im Frühjahr 2024 erscheinen soll. Das Update mit dem Titel „Incursions“ (Übergriffe) wird neue Legenden, Front- und Motorschiffsmodule sowie eine Überarbeitung der Endspielinhalte mit sich bringen.

In der Zwischenzeit hat Rockfish Games bekannt gegeben, dass sich Everspace 2 auf allen Plattformen über 400.00 Mal verkauft hat und allein im Game Pass über 1,1 Millionen Spieler angezogen hat.

Everspace 2 ist ab sofort für PC, PS5 und Xbox Series X/S erhältlich.


  • Added 10 new item sets (34 new items total)
  • Added 45 new item bonus attributes
  • Added 4 new catalysts
  • Added new consumable: Combat Drone
  • Added 4 new passives to each ship class, for a total of 36 new ship passives
  • Added new Tier 4 wing modules
  • Added “Randomize” function for ship colors and ship modules customization
  • Added Quickload/Quicksave
  • Added a special timed autosave within a location that is also written when collectibles are unlocked (not written during fights/missions – will be delayed)
  • Added new Khala perk that reveals any remaining secrets in a location if most of the area’s secrets have already been discovered
  • Added new Tareen perk that enables selling resources from the crafting inventory
  • Added re-rolling of bonus attributes modify action
  • [PC Only]Added “Hold To Enable” and “Hold To Disable” Inertia Dampeners control mode


  • 21:9 aspect ratio HUD improvements
  • Made sure that players coming from the demo retroactively get the “A New Home” achievement at a later point
  • Increased average number of NPCs present during “Volatile Goods” jobs
  • Renamed “Executioner” Scatter Gun to “Enforcer”
  • Vindicator drones off-screen hud marker only show when in combat
  • Castiel’s Protection legendary shield: improved the holograms’ ability to distract enemies
  • Added option to switch off Elek’s “Fire Support” perk
  • Ammo of secondary weapons is now filled up when starting an Ancient Rift
  • The 5-cube secret in “Kheimon” has been given clearer clues and confusing symbols have been removed
  • The Eclipse set buff will no longer reset its duration when switching weapons
  • Integrated community suggestions for translation improvements from Crowdin
  • The selected inventory sort mode will no longer reset when entering a new location
  • Increased maximum item shop inventory size
  • A 60 FPS frame rate limit now applies in the main menu, when paused or docked
  • Balancing: Increased Scatter Gun base damage but reduced charge damage bonus
  • Balancing: Increased Sentinel ULT “Static Overload” damage
  • Balancing: Increased Vanguard Expertise base bonus but reduced scaling limit
  • Balancing: Added more variance to individual Booster stats
  • Balancing: Slightly increased Synchro Pulse energy consumption
  • Balancing: Reduced Jaeger fire rate and range but increased base damage
  • UI: Added icon marker for set items
  • UI: Ship customization – More information about the number of unlocked modules
  • UI: Ship dealer – Added additional price tag for trade-in, price colorization, and other improvements to the purchase process
  • UI: Loot container – All looted items are now shown in the on-screen log
  • UI: New HUD XP-bar appearance when max level is reached
  • UI: Restricted item modification and changing map modes during a rift
  • UI: Added missing (intro-) SFX playback on some menu screens and -pages
  • UI: Improved item handling within loot container to avoid some previously available exploits


  • Fixed that all shields had a 5s recharge delay
  • Fixed Redeemer Drone not shooting
  • Fixed that remote controlling a drone did not correctly restore visibility of health/equipment HUD in 1st person mode if “hide HUD in 1st person mode” was enabled
  • Fixed that transfer of needed item during “need repairs” type distress call was still possible while ship was exploding
  • Fixed that sometimes a ship could not be bought despite having sufficient credits
  • Fixed Outlaw Teleport Drone not firing missiles from a distance
  • Fixed that menu options that open a context window for selection could be changed with “navigate left” and “navigate right” actions, but without effect
  • Fixed Bomber not receiving the energy equivalent on secondary ammo refund
  • Fixed Energy Orbs not providing weapon energy
  • Fixed that Vanguard “device cooldown reduction for support devices” perk also reduced device duration
  • Fixed that custom resolution scaling only worked right after changing the setting, not after changing locations or loading a game
  • Fixed “Excessive Force” perk not re-initializing correctly after undocking
  • Fixed that damage done by Gunship turret and sticky turrets did not count as player-instigated damage
  • Fixed some buffs and debuffs not resetting correctly
  • Fixed that the “Symphony of Destruction” perk would trigger when killing creatures
  • Fixed a keybinding conflict regarding Spatial Bypass target location on map when having “OK” bound to “Space Bar”
  • Fixed that changing nothing but joystick deadzone(s) in keybinding screen did not lead to changes being recognized and applied
  • Fixed that HUD markers of single emitters for “trap” encounters were not immediately visible when too far away
  • Fixed “Close Call” perk not regenerating when docking
  • Fixed Time Extender not resetting correctly when leaving location while it’s activated
  • Fixed ammo exceeding max ammo after replacing high-capacity catalyst on secondaries
  • Fixed device cooldown reductions not being correctly displayed in HUD
  • Fixed that plasma harvester states were not saved
  • Fixed potential controller stick drift in supralight/photo mode
  • Fixed that no standing/credits were deducted from “Ramen Delivery” jobs if drone was destroyed during 2nd or 3rd delivery
  • [Windows] Fixed mouse wheel scrolling problems in Missions screen
  • [Xbox|PS5] Fixed that on very first start the spoken language was not set to German when [Xbox|PS5]’s language is set to German
  • [Steam] Fixed that language was not automatically set to Steam’s language on very first start after install
  • [Steam] Fixed that game freezes when selling too many items at once
  • UI: Fixed multiple issues when scrolling through savegame selection (mostly gamepad related)
  • UI: Fixed HUD loot log when more than 10 items were looted at once
  • UI: Ship customization – Fixed multiple smaller issues and inconsistencies regarding navigation and selection of menu entries
  • UI: Fixed secondary item icons being displayed smaller than others in HUD log
  • UI: Fixed multiple issues with buttons shown in footer of a different in-game menu tab
  • UI: Fixed scrolling of item stat cards within a loot container
  • UI: Fixed Data sub tab fade-in animation getting stuck in some cases
  • UI: Fixed item log showing the available stack amount of crafting resources from shops instead of the purchased amount
  • UI: Fixed multiple issues regarding the amount selection widget, some of which could ultimately lead to invalid item states
Seit Dino Wars oder North&South am Amiga hat sich in der Spieleindustrie so einiges verändert, aber meine Leidenschaft für Videospiele nicht! Mit dem Alter von 5 Jahren hatte ich zum ersten Mal einen Joystick in der Hand und seit diesem Moment war die virtuelle Welt wie ein zweites Zuhause für mich. Ich finde so ziemlich jedes Genre interessant, selbst wenn es sich um einen kleinen Indie-Titel handelt. Die aktuellste Nintendo Konsole und ein leistungsstarker PC gehören bei mir zu der Grundausstattung. Bei meiner Begeisterung für den Journalismus in Verbindung mit Videospielen gab es da nur eine logische Konsequenz. Redakteur bei PixelCritics werden, um mein Interesse beider Welten auszuleben.
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