Someday You’ll Return: Entwickler entfernen Inhalte um das Gameplay zu verbessern

Someday You’ll Return: Entwickler entfernen Inhalte um das Gameplay zu verbessern

CBE Software hat auf seine Kunden gehört und die ungewöhnliche Entscheidung getroffen, Inhalte aus dem neu veröffentlichten Titel Someday You’ll Return zu entfernen, um das Spiel insgesamt zu verbessern.

Während viele Spiele nach der Markteinführung gepatcht werden, fügen die meisten Inhalte hinzu, die nicht rechtzeitig zur Veröffentlichung bereit waren. Nachdem CBE Software das Feedback der Kunden gelesen hatte, traf das Unternehmen die Entscheidung, stundenlangen Spielinhalt zu entfernen, um das Gesamterlebnis zu verbessern und gleichzeitig den gelehrten, narrativen Horror beizubehalten, den die Fans liebten. Ungewöhnlich aber sehr coole Aktion!

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“After reading feedback from our customers, it became clear to us that some parts of the game, mostly in the second half, were not enjoyed as we had expected them to be. We took a hard look at the game and asked ourselves how we could make it better. While it is very important for us to remain true to our vision for the game, we felt if there were ways we could make improvements without compromise, we should do this even if it means sacrificing months of hard work. We realized that some of the content and puzzles were not adding any value to the main game story. It is very important to us that our players have the best game experience, so after careful consideration we cut away hours of superfluous content, making the game better as a whole. Ingenious explorers out there shouldn’t worry, though, as they would still be able to access some of the “missing” areas by careful exploration and doing additional tasks well off the beaten path. One of the features some players didn’t enjoy was stealth. To aid those players who dislike stealth, we’ve added a new, in-game potion called “Devil’s Pact”. This potion turns the player almost invisible to enemies during stealth sequences. Now players who dislike stealth sequences can drink the potion and through them easily, while players who enjoy being stealthy can keep playing the original version. We strongly believe that offering this choice is the best option for both types of players.Jan Kavan, CBE Software co-founder
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